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Auction Date & Time
Tue, Nov 19, 2024 10:00AM
By appointment.only
2023 Cremer Sinterfox 8-150/e Walking Beam Continuous Sintering Furnace
2023 Cremer Sinterfox 8-150/e Walking Beam Continuous Sintering Furnace 1500?C Maximum Sintering Temperature, 800 C Maximum Rest Debinding Temperature, Carrier Tray Size 330 mm x 330 mm, 300 mm Loading Height, 8-10 Trays/hr in 316L Cycle, 10x20 kW Top/Bottom Control Debinding Zones, 10x30 kW Sintering Zones, 2x3m, 1x2m Cooling Zone Segments + Belt Drive and Return, 30-50 m3/h Process Gas Consumption, 34 m3/h Purge Lock N2 Consumption, 70kWh Power Consumption, 3 m3/h Cooling Water Consumption, 3x480 V/60 Hz Power, 500 kW Installed Power, 15-16 m3/h Idle N2 Consumption, 1-1.5 m3/h idle H2 Consumption; Comes with Walking Beam, RO/DI Water System, ABB Bus Rail, 110 MoLa Trays, 440 MoLa Plates, 440 MoLa Posts, Ceramic tiles and spacers, TPC-System 4.0 Computer Based Visualization, Gastight Cross Conveyor, Gas Analyzing w/ 3 Lambda Sensors + 1 Dew Point Sensor, S/N 22-13295 [Loc: Indianapolis, IN] {Removal Cost: $27,680}